holiday decorating

Casual Thanksgiving Tablescape From The Dollar Tree

Casual Thanksgiving Tablescape From The Dollar Tree

Our family does not do fancy holiday dinners, and when I found out my in-laws (or in-loves as we say) were coming to town for Thanksgiving I wanted to dress up the table just a little with it being our first time hosting in the new house. But when I searched on pinterest for Thanksgiving tablescapes I came up short in the casual category.

How to make napkin art on canvas

Day 7 of #12daysofchristmascrafts is a craft inspired by yet another You tuber The Magnolia Housewife. She made Fall Napkin pictures using wood. I had never seen this technique before and wanted to try it. So I did! But I used canvas instead of wood. 


  • Canvas (or wood)
  • Napkins large enough to cover the surface
  • Plastic wrap
  • Parchment paper
  • Iron

Step 1: Cut napkin slightly larger than canvas, and separate paper so your left with 1 ply.

Step 2: Lay plastic wrap on canvas, napkin over plastic, and parchment paper over napkin.

Step 3: Iron on high heat setting (with empty iron) for a few minutes. Pay particular attention to the edges of the canvas.

 - You can lift the iron periodically to check for sealed edge. Continue ironing if not fully adhered.

*Tip* Use an old iron if you have one, or be sure the parchment is covering any exposed plastic wrap.

Step 4: Cut off excess napkin/plastic around edges, and file down any jagged edges.

*Step 5 and 6 are optional.

Step 5: Add ribbon around border of canvas. I did this because the print on this particular napkin was smaller than the canvas itself.

- I cut a strip of this glittered ribbon in half lengthwise.

Step 6: Attach a frame easel hinge (the piece that holds a tabletop frame upright) using hot glue. 

 - I had these from some small frames I used to make a lantern. I wanted to be able to stand them up on top of my fridge.

Aren't these cute? Come back tomorrow for day 8!


10 Tips for Holiday Decorating on a Budget

I know that not everyone enjoys crafting (what's not to enjoy), or maybe some just don't have the time. So, I've come up with 10 tips for holiday decorating on a budget! I really had to put some thought into this because I'm so used to creating my own version of things I see in the stores that I rarely buy decorative items anymore.

If you're like me, you love decorating for Christmas especially. And, I think you'll agree that these tips will keep anyone from going over budget. I am listing the tips in descending order, with tip #1 being the most budget friendly. So, if you really have no decoration budget, go ahead and skip to the last few.

#10 - Shop the discount stores

I think this is an obvious choice for anyone on a budget, but I've also heard that people find items from higher end stores here.

A few Burlington finds...

 A few of my favorites:
  • Marshalls
  • HomeGoods
  • Burlington (they have expanded their home section and it has a great selection)
  • Christmas Tree Shops 

#9 - Shop the drug stores

And while you're at it, check out the gift options for last minute gifts or that gift exchange at work that you don't wanna spend too much on! Lol

  • Cvs
  • Walgreens
  • Riteaid (they start marking down Christmas items before thanksgiving)
This Joy sign at CVS is gorgeous

#8 - Shop clearance

If you've never shopped the clearance section of a store, you must be living in your own world! Or, maybe you can afford to pay full price for everything. In which case you don't need to be reading this!

You can usually find seasonal items on clearance after the season ends, but some places start right before the end of season to make room for new inventory. So, waiting till the last minute isn't always a bad thing!
AC Moore started marking down Christmas items
even before Halloween!

#7 - Shop second hand stores

I found a pre-lit outdoor Christmas tree (that you see in stores for $39.99), that's functional and in great condition, for $10!

Sometimes these stores can be hit or miss. But, you may come across new items that someone donated and never used. 

#6 - Shop dollar stores

You know I am no stranger to the dollar store!

I'm not saying go and buy everything they have just because it's $1. But, these days dollar stores are selling quality brand-name products. It is my go to for small trinkets and odds and ends.

#5 - Do it yourself

I know I said not everyone is crafty. But, I'm talking about things a small child could do.

Just a few ideas
  • Put some ornaments (or pinecones) into a clear glass vase
  • Group together a few different sized candles on a tray surrounded by artificial poinsettias
  • Cut out an image from a gift bag and put it in a picture frame
These are a few of the supplies I got from Dollar Tree for diy projects.

#4 - Exchange decorations with neighbors/friends

I've never done this, but I thought it might be a nice idea. This way everyone has new decorations without spending any money! Maybe I'll think about doing this next year.

#3 - Get free decorations

People post ads for items that they need to get rid of. It's like a thrift store, but free!

Try these
  • Craigslist
  • Facebook marketplace

#2 - Shop after the season

This is a piggyback off of tip #8. But, let's say you hold off on decorating this year and start planning early for next year. This way you have the opportunity to get decorations at up to 90% off! 

#1 - Use last year's decorations!

We live in a world where we feel like we always need to replace things with new ones. Sometimes it's ok to reuse an item more than once. So, go ahead reuse the same decorations! I bet no one will even notice.